The Road Runner Show was an animated anthology series which compiled theatrical Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoons from the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, which were produced by Warner Bros. Cartoons between 1948 and 1966. The Road Runner Show ran for two seasons on CBS (1966–68), and then on ABC for two seasons (1971–73). There were two Road Runner/Coyote cartoons during each episode, with another WB animated character(s) in the middle segment (usually Tweety and Sylvester).
CBS combined The Road Runner Show with The Bugs Bunny Show in 1968. The Road Runner and the Coyote more often shared at least an hour with Bugs Bunny on CBS during the late-1960s through the mid-1980s.
The theme song was written and performed by Barbara Cameron.
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